A Disciplinary Tribunal convened today in accordance with the Judicial Panel Protocol to consider the following cases:

Case 1

Alleged Party in Breach: Rowan Vine, Hibernian FC
Date: 20th October 2013
Disciplinary Rule(s) allegedly breached:

Disciplinary Rule 82: By making offensive comments on Twitter suggesting the use of violence.

Outcome: Player found in breach

Rule 82: No recognised football body, club, official, Team Official or other member of Team Staff, player, match official or other person under the jurisdiction of the Scottish FA shall in an interview, a ‘blog’ on the internet, on a social networking or micro-blogging site, or in any other manner calculated or likely to lead to publicity, make comment(s) of a discriminatory or offensive nature based on, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability, or that endorse or encourage foul play or are otherwise offensive. There shall be a presumption that any material published in such a manner was published in the name of and/or with the authority of the person or body bearing to have published the material.
Case 2

Alleged Party in Breach: Nadir Ciftci, Dundee United FC
Date: Inverness CT v Dundee United (Scottish League Cup) – 29th October 2013.
Disciplinary Rule(s) allegedly breached:

Disciplinary Rule 201: Excessive misconduct at a match by seizing hold of an Assistant Referee, namely Gavin Harris, by the throat.

Outcome: Case adjourned until Tuesday, December 3, due to the unavailability of witnesses.

Rule 201: No player shall commit Excessive Misconduct at a match, including committing offences in the Schedule of Offences in Annex C, in respect of which there is aggravation by any factor, (including but not limited to prolongation of the incident; combination of different offences; continued use of offensive, abusing and/or insulting language and/or behaviour; calling a match official a cheat and/or calling a match official’s integrity into question; failure to comply with a match official’s requests; adoption of aggressive behaviour towards a match official; any racist, sexist, sectarian and/or otherwise discriminatory element; and the degree of any physical violence); and/or by committing Unacceptable Conduct.